Most Men Shouldn’t Go Shopping Alone!
I know we hear the saying 'in a recent survey' all the time, but this new survey is hilarious! A new survey done by reveals that 66% of women have stopped their man from buying a certain clothing item. I think that is so funny, because one of my favorite things since getting married is that I don't shop for clothes anymore. I tell my wife all the time buy me whatever clothes you want and I will wear it, I hate going shopping and especially trying on clothes.
The study also revealed that 37% of women buy all of their partners clothes, I am proud to be part of that group!
16% of women have bought new underwear for their man after seeing him in overly-tight underwear. This is just horrible, if you need new underwear buy some. There is nothing better than new socks and underwear.
And lastly 7% of women won't allow their man to wear hoodies. I think that statistic is horrible, wear what makes you comfortable!
Big Sky View of Stevensville