Missoula’s Affordable Options For Eating Out
Who doesn't love going out on a Friday for a nice meal with your significant other or group of friends? Clearly I do because if I cut back on half of the times I eat out I would probably be richer, but would be less fulfilled without The Depot's prime rib or Despo's wings or a Mo Club burger.
Sometimes you want to eat out but don't want to break the bank for a meal. I completely understand. We're not the only ones either. A Reddit user by the name of PreservedKillick (I don't know what that name means) took to Missoula's subreddit page to ask for the "Most affordable places to eat out" in town.
Most affordable places to eat out? Sit down or take out, best bag for your buck.
byu/-PreservedKillick- inmissoula
The responses went nuclear in the comments. Over 100 comments chimed in on some affordable options in town, so I won't go over all of them for you. Instead, here are a few affordable options you may not know of.
Orange Street food farm: $6.99 2 piece & 2 sides fried chicken - MTB_WW_montana
Mexican Moose - big ass burrito for $11 - meothfulmode
Checkout Lighthouse Espresso if you want breakfeast or lunch. You can get a breakfast burrito for $6 and a sandwich (made to order) with chips is like $5.50. - gdgdagg
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Let us know your suggestions for affordable options for eating out in Missoula. Send us a message via our mobile app.
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Gallery Credit: Ace Sauerwein
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