It's definitely a Missoula summertime signature thing. And it looks like the weather may start to finally cooperate by Wednesday!

Our Missoula City Band opened their 2018 free summer concert schedule last Wednesday, June 13. The band is in fine form and they would love to have you come hear them perform in Bonner Park. The promise of a lovely, last official evening of spring (summer arrives Thursday morning) should be lure enough to take in the Wednesday, June 20, concert, highlighted by The History of the City Band Book Release Spectacular.

The band will perform in Bonner Park Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. through August 15, the exception being the performance on Wednesday, July 4, at Southgate Mall in conjunction with the public fireworks show.

Remember, the concerts are free! So grab the blankets or the lawn chairs, and stake your claim on a great spot in front of the band shell to enjoy these terrific local musicians!



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