5 Tips for a Great Road Trip With Your Dogs
The weather is getting nicer, and more people are hitting the road to enjoy it. Whether you are driving to your favorite lake to go swimming or driving to grandma's house, if you're taking your furry family members with you, there are some things you should keep in mind. Here are my top 5 tips to having a great road trip with your dogs.
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Don't Feed Them a Big Meal
If you are leaving on a road trip don't let your animals eat normally. With a ful stomach they are more likely to get car sick, so tread lightly when it comes to feeding your animals. - 2
Bring Lots of Water
When people prepare for a road trip for themselves, they always include something to drink. This is even more important when bringing your animals with you. - 3
Bring Toys
If you want them to have an enjoyable ride bring toys, this will also insure your animals don't chew on your car. - 4
Update Their Tags
Before leaving on a trip update their tags with the correct information just to be safe. - 5
Make More Stops
Don't make your animals spend extended periods of time in the car. Stop, let them take a break, and take a potty break.