Several Missoula Polling Places Have Moved, Three Are Now at Same Location
After a vote by the Missoula County Commissioners this week there will be even more changes than many expected when it comes to local polling places in Missoula. Missoula County Elections Coordinator Dayna Causby has the full list.
"There are actually several changes," Causby said. "We can start with one of the changes that happened for the primary as well. Hellgate Elementary is under some pretty big construction so they have asked us, for this election, to got to the Missoula Technology and Development Center, which is just past the airport. We will be there on election day. For the Hawthorne polling place, it is typically at Hawthorne Elementary, the polling place will be moved to Orchard Homes Country Life Club."
One very unusual change involves three separate polling places that will all be held at the same location.
"The final big move, which is the newest, latest and greatest, will be Cold Springs Elementary and Meadow Hill both moving to the polling place at Chief Charlo School," Causby said. "All of those polling places will be highly marked so people will know where to go."
Causby says the changes involving Chief Charlo were just announced on Tuesday. Absentee ballots for the primary election will be mailed out next Friday, October 12 and should be in voter mail boxes by Monday the 15th. A mailer will also be going out to all registered voters, even those that aren’t absentee voters this year encouraging them to sign up to vote absentee.