20 Exciting Movies to See at the Roxy Theater in Missoula in May
We're about to flip the pages on the calendar for May (metaphorically, because most of our calendars are now on our phones) and that means it's a whole new month of movies at The Roxy Theater here in Missoula. Here's a look at some of the special programming they've got in store for the month of May.
Bong Hits!
That's right, May will feature a series called Bong Hits - but don't think The Roxy is just celebrating 420 a little bit later than the rest of us. This month's series celebrates the films of acclaimed director Bong Joon-Ho, best known to American audiences for his Oscar-winning film Parasite. Here's what the Roxy will be showing for this series:
Wednesday, May 4th: Memories of Murder
Sunday, May 8th: Mother
Wednesday, May 11th: The Host
Wednesday, May 18th: Okja
Wednesday, May 25th: Parasite
Movie Cult
Every month, the Roxy opens it up to a vote online to determine which cult movies get shown on Saturdays throughout the month - and back in April, Twilight was such a hit that they figured, they need to show the second one this time around! Plus, there's some other pretty exciting ones, too - check it out:
Saturday, May 7th: Con Air in 35mm
Saturday, May 14th: The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Saturday, May 21st: Josie and the Pussycats
Saturday, May 28th: Slums of Beverly Hills in 35mm
And The Rest...
Here's a rundown of all the other great movies you'll be able to catch at The Roxy this month:
Saturday, May 1st: On the Waterfront (Essential Cinema)
Friday, May 6th: The Free Fall (Midnight Madness)
Saturday, May 7th: Quest for Camelot (Kiddomatic Presents)
Monday, May 9th: Writing with Fire (World View: Cultures in Words)
Wednesday, May 11th: This Much I Know to be True (New Release - One Night Only)
Friday, May 13th: Friday the 13th Part 2 (Camp Horror Presents)
Monday, May 16th: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (Out at the Roxy)
Thursday, May 19th: Marvelous and the Black Hole (MTFF Presents)
Friday, May 20th: TerrorVision (Trash Talk)
Monday, May 23rd: Pride & Prejudice (Roxy Book Club)
Thursday, May 26th: Redline (Persistence of Vision: Animation From Around the World)
For more info on the Roxy's schedule or to buy tickets, you can check out their website right here.
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