My favorite thing in Missoula this summer, hands down, has been Centerfield Cinema at Ogren Park. Before the shutdowns, I spent so much time at the Roxy Theater here in town, and for them to be able to replicate the experience on a massive scale and still maintain social distancing at the ballpark has been a special thing. I've been to every movie they've shown so far this summer, and my goal is to make it to every one they do.

Well, now I have a couple more to add to the list before I can check that goal off - two more movies have been added to the Centerfield Cinema roster. These ones will take place on Wednesdays rather than the usual Thursday - I'm guessing they're trying to squeeze these in before the colder weather of October makes it tougher to have outdoor gatherings like this.

And, here's a cool thing - they're both concert movies. Centerfield Cinema has placed an emphasis on movies that heavily feature music, with films like Purple RainStop Making Sense, and Mamma Mia over the last few months - it's a great way to get a crowd moving and give people a feel for live music, even when it's a show that was recorded years ago.

So, what have we got? On Wednesday, September 16th, they'll be showing Shine a Light, a 2008 Rolling Stones concert directed by Martin Scorsese, and on Wednesday, September 30th, they've got Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, featuring David Bowie performing as Ziggy Stardust for the final time (I actually saw this at The Roxy back in January with a packed crowd, so I can vouch that this will be a great time).

And of course, that's in addition to the remaining Centerfield Cinema shows for September: GreaseRaiders of the Lost Ark, and Clueless. Tickets for all of the shows are available at

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