Monthly Eating Contests Returning to Thomas Meagher Bar
It was a simpler time.....before COVID-19 flexed its muscle and wiped out crowds and events. And in that simpler time they were holding competitive eating contests at The Thomas Meagher Bar. Watching someone chow down on an unimaginable amount of food has a way to captivate you like nothing else. You can't look away. Even if you have a disgusted look on your face you have to keep watching just to see how much they can possible keep cramming down their gullet.
The pandemic wiped out the eating contests at TMB - but now is the time to rejoice as they've announced that October will serve as the restart of competitions. I feel like this news serves as an unofficial way for us as a country to show our strength and perseverance against the obstacles we've been facing. And since we're just into October, what better way to kick the spectacle into gear than by seeing who can stomach the most Oktoberfest brats!
I'm not sure if they still have room to sign up for the upcoming contest next week. You'll have to touch base with TMB to find out. But let this serve as warning that the competitions have returned and you'll have opportunities to claim bragging rights for an assortment of different foods during upcoming events.
Here's the details for the return of competitive eating competitions at The Thomas Meagher Bar:
‼️We are looking for 8-10 contestants to enter our Competitive Eating Contest‼️
☑️Send us a direct message with your name if you’d like to sign up! ($10 entry fee)
☑️ Different theme every month! October’s theme: BRATWURST Oktoberfest Style
☑️ First competitor to finish pre measured HUGE bowl of Oktoberfest Bratwurst wins
1st place wins $75 TMB Gift Card
(SWAG & additional prizes!)
See New Words Added to in 2020