Missoula PaddleHeads Want YOU as Their New Mascot
This is it! Here's your chance to be a star! The only kicker is that nobody will know it's you because you'll be wearing an oversized novelty costume. Ha!
We already know that the Missoula PaddleHeads are planning to unveil their new mascot on April 6th. And yes, they chose that day specifically for the announcement. April 6th.....4/06.....406 Day. I guess when I heard they would be introducing the new mascot I assumed they already had somebody ready to put on the mystery costume for the big reveal. (Of course, we all know the big surprise will obviously be a moose.)
What I didn't realize is that the PaddleHeads are still looking for people to fill the role of their new mascot. But a post to the team's Twitter page shows that anybody wanting to be a big part of the in-game entertainment during the season is invited to show up at Ogren Park on Saturday for mascot tryouts.
Sure, maybe you have years of schooling, countless hours of training, and a career you've worked so hard to obtain.....but how can you pass up your chance to high five fans, dance between innings, and send the crowd home with memories of great mascot hijinks.
What are you waiting for? You still have a couple of days to get in front of the mirror and put together a dance routine that'll knock their socks off! Note: I don't really know what mascot tryouts actually entail and a dance number may or may not be something you need to have in your back pocket.
It does seem like it would be a pretty fun gig though. You can have a blast entertaining the crowd and do it all shrouded in secrecy behind the costume!
Good luck to everybody attending mascot tryouts on Saturday. Will you be joining in the fun?