The first couple of days in February brought about a search for a cargo trailer that had been stolen from Missoula Outdoor Learning Adventures. It was crammed with equipment that was used to help kids participate in outdoor activities through the organization. Every time I saw something matching the description of the white trailer I would try and get a closer look with the hope that I had found the missing piece that would close the case. Eventually they did find the trailer - but it was no surprise that they lost a lot of gear.

A GoFundMe account has been started to help raise funds that will replace the contents that went missing. As I write this, they're at exactly 50% of the $15,000 goal that will help Porter Hammitt, the program’s director and lead instructor, ensure that there is a camp for 2021.

The description on the fundraiser reads:

"Missoula Outdoor Learning Adventures (MOLA) will be offering the 22nd season of it's outdoor adventure summer camp this year in 2021.  Our camp is dedicated to getting kids outside and active, with opportunities to hike, bike, raft, kayak, canoe, climb, and camp.  Recently, on January 31st, our storage trailer was stolen, and it contained rafts, kayaks, climb gear, and other gear critical to running our camp.  While the trailer has been found, all the gear is gone, and we are sunk without it!  Insurance will cover a few expenses, but we need to raise quite a bit of money to replace our equipment.  We'd be eternally grateful for your help!"

There's been some great comments from those that have donated to the cause.

- I’ve known Porter since he started MOLA and firmly believe in the educational adventures him and his crew provide for Missoula kids. Keep on Adventuring!

- Porter- I am saddened to hear about losing your trailer and all of the equipment with TONS of memories. Both my kids did MOLA. I still remember the first day we met you in the park for their first adventure.

- Hey Porter, So glad to hear the community has pulled together to find at least the trailer and a bit of the gear but as I know how much all this costs...I hope you can replenish what is lost without taking a hit as MOLA. Such a great program!!

- Thank you MOLA for all the moments!

If you need some karma points - feel free to drop a few bucks in the online bucket and help Missoula Outdoor Learning Adventures get back on their feet. Do it for the kids!

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