This weekend the luck of the Irish was all around and even Sushi was turning green.

With this weekend being St. Patty's weekend I didn't even think that sushi chefs may be getting in the spirit as well. Saturday night out and about we went for Sushi and we ordered normally and to our surprise the sushi was green! The rice had been died green and they seemed to use more green stuff as well then normal but that I am not sure about. I do know the rice was green and I thought it was very festive.

Some people were joking they wouldn't have ate it or it was mold. I ate it I know they would not give me something I couldn't eat. I found out lots of people do it and also use it as a craft. has a recipe and show show kids love the texture and like to play with it.

Plus I remember being a kid dying it in grade school and then eating it. Not sure if I was suppose to eat ti though or not now that I think about it.

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