Beer Pong Is Old News, Check Out the New Version!
Earlier this month I took a trip to Las Vegas with some friends and family, I had a lot of fun, and also found a drinking game I had never seen before. This game is going to be way bigger than Beer Pong, because it includes more people and more beer.
The game is called Octo-Pong! It's the new cooler version of beer pong. With the name Octo-Pong you probably already guessed that you can play with up to 8 people at one time. With ultimately the same rules and goal as beer pong, it's simple to play and a lot of fun.
When we were playing Octo-Pong we made rules that you can't shoot against other people playing unless they were at least two people away from where you're standing. If you throw it in your neighbors cup it would be too easy, and I have a feeling that is how a fight would break out. But just like in regular beer pong, the rules change depending on who is playing.
I wouldn't be shocked to see Octo-Pong in a bar around Missoula within the next year.
Beautiful Big Sky View of Frenchtown!