Why Aren’t the Harlem Globetrotters Coming to Missoula as Planned?
Is it weird that I'm kind of cheering about the upcoming Harlem Globetrotters appearance in Missoula being canceled? That does sound kind of mean, doesn't it? But hear me out! I was pretty excited when I saw that the Globetrotters would be coming to the Adams Center in September. My daughter is six-and-a-half and she's getting into sports. We have an adjustable hoop in the neighborhood and she does a pretty good job of making some shots when the rim is on the lowest setting. So I figured it would be fun to take her to see the the Globetrotters and all their hijinks when they rolled through Missoula. Then I realized I would be out of town on the night they were scheduled to be here. So I'm not pumped about the fact that the Globetrotters aren't coming - I'm just hoping they'll reschedule for a day that I'll be able to take my daughter.
Oh yes, now that I think about it, I probably should have led this article with "did you hear that the Globetrotters won't be playing in Missoula like they were scheduled to do?" We got an email from one of the companies involved with the marketing of the game and it said: "Unfortunately, the event in Missoula was recently canceled. We are hoping to get a new date scheduled when the tour picks back up at the end of the year. I will keep you updated and will let you know when I find out what the new event date is."
We don't really know much about why the event was canceled. It's been removed from the GrizTix website entirely - no mention about a postponement or cancellation. I tried to call the box office to ask for details - but I gave up after being on hold for an extended amount of time. And the tour dates on the Globetrotters' website show games that are still scheduled to take place along with ones that are postponed.....but there's nothing listed for Missoula anymore.
Scheduling conflict? COVID related? We don't have much for info right now. But hopefully we'll get a rescheduled date soon and we can enjoy some family fun with the Globetrotters.
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