Vaccination Official says Sunday’s Clinic a Complete Success
After Sunday morning’s first major mass COVID 19 vaccination clinic at the University of Montana’s Adams Center, Public Information Officer Nick Holloway said he was pleased with the results.
“It did go 100%,” said Holloway. “We vaccinated over 400 people and all those folks had appointments to come in. Most of them came very well prepared so that the messaging got out there very nicely and it went very well. What it really was, in addition to getting all those people vaccinated, was a proof of concept for us. It really looked like something we can scale up when we get more vaccine to help people get vaccinated.”
Holloway cleared up a question about those who received their first vaccine and how they would receive their second dose.
“Every registered vaccine provider may be a little different on that, but most will schedule the second vaccine at the time you get your first vaccine,” he said. “It just makes a lot of sense to do that. It is a logistical challenge in a complex system where we have two vaccines instead of one, so it really helps to schedule that second vaccine at the time of the first. That's really what we're hoping happens in most if not all cases.”
He said the two major vaccines have different times between doses.
“For the Pfizer vaccine its 21 days or three weeks and the Moderna vaccine is 28 days,” he said. “We've already had a few people calling and requesting to reschedule their vaccine after it was already scheduled. We want that to be minimal. We know that life happens sometimes, but we really think that second vaccine should be a high priority and it'll make it a lot easier on our end for people to keep that second vaccine appointment.”
Holloway ended by reminding the public where to register for the next clinic, and a phone number for more information.
“We really want people to understand where they can get signed up, and that's” he said. “If they don't have internet access, they can call 258-INFO (4636) when a vaccine clinic is put on the schedule. That's where they would get signed up for the clinic and we need people to know to come prepared just to keep the line flowing as smoothly as possible.”
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