Well this may not seem crazy to Missoulians but to others maybe... Delish just named each state's craziest ice cream flavor. What do you think it is?

A lot of Montanans love this establishment's ice cream, so it should come as no surprise that the Big Dipper and their Cake Batter flavor is considered the craziest flavor of ice cream in Montana. I have not seen a ton of odd or crazy flavors here in the state and if I had to think of unique flavors it would be Big Dipper but didn't think of the Cake Batter as being the craziest... but I do know it is darn good! According to these folks that is our craziest. I think the salted black licorice they have is a bit wilder...

I thought Las Vegas's craziest was wild, too: it's Durian ice cream at the Perfect Scoop and Boba Tea. I guess the fruit can either taste rotten or sweet depending on your taste buds. They said it's "Literally the most polarizing food on the planet." It comes from Indonesia. Wacky!


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