It's a popular hobby this time of year. It can get competitive and many people have a "get there first" mentality.

We get that. But Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is asking all you shed hunters to give elk their space until the snow melts and the animals are less stressed. FWP is hoping people will understand that deep snow, limited food options and depleted fat reserves all combine to increase elk trauma.

Shed hunting - looking for antlers shed each year in the winter so they can regrow a new pair - has become increasingly popular in recent years. FWP also asks snowmobilers, skiers and snowshoers to try to avoid areas where elk are bedded down. Try to enjoy them at a safe distance.

This is mainly common sense stuff that most Montanans already understand. You can always find more useful tips and suggestions at the Montana FWP website. Good shed hunting when the time is right, folks.




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