Want to Spend Memorial Day Weekend Chasing Ghosts in Montana?
The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. But that does not make the darkness any less spooky. Soon summer will arrive, and the dark nights will only last a few hours. Better take advantage of what darkness we have left, and do something spooky.
It is halfway to Halloween, who wants to go on a ghost hunt?
Chilling Paranormal and Cross Country Paranormal are teaming up for an overnight stay in the most haunted location in Montana. I'm talking about the Old Montana State Prison in Deer Lodge. Chilling Paranormal and Cross Country Paranormal are professional paranormal investigation teams that take pride in training others in the art of ghost hunting. They provide all the gadgets and gear you need for a successful investigation. All you need is the guts and bladder control to handle the ghosts.
Memorial Day Weekend paranormal investigation planned.
Both paranormal teams secured an overnight investigation of the prison on Sunday, May 29th. Being that you probably don't have to work on Memorial Day, this will be a perfect reason to stay up all night.
Check out footage from our investigation of the haunted prison back in 2017.