Friday was a day that school districts around the country were told to be on alert after the social media site TikTok challenge went viral.

Ravalli County Sheriff Steve Holton said his detectives investigated a ‘potential threat’ which was emailed to the Corvallis School District on Friday.

Personnel with the Corvallis School District immediately contacted the Ravalli County Sheriff’s Office Detectives who were already on the school campuses.

One juvenile middle school student was identified by authorities as a suspect and was quickly located off campus and taken into custody.

The email reportedly mentioned ‘the possibility of violence’ on the school campus, however, there were no direct threats and the student did not have any means to carry out any action against the school.

After the student was taken into custody, the sheriff’s office and school officials agreed that any possible danger to students had been successfully mitigated.

The juvenile suspect has been criminally charged, but the exact offense was not revealed.

Sheriff Holton praised the quick action by the school, and that the already heightened security on campus helped to bring the incident to a safe conclusion.

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