
Missoula Bear Tracker
Missoula Bear Tracker
Missoula Bear Tracker
Bears are on the move eating just about anything that catches their nose. They have one the best senses of smell and will follow a scent for miles.So when you put your garbage out the night before pickup you're sending out an full scented invitation...
Hunters Need to Take Care
Hunters Need to Take Care
Hunters Need to Take Care
It's the time of year when grizzlies bears are out foraging before they den up for the winter. If you're hunting in deep brush, like chokecherries, remember bears really like them.
Montana Wildlife Migration Invasion
Montana Wildlife Migration Invasion
Montana Wildlife Migration Invasion
I just got word from Bruce Auchly, with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks in Great Falls. He says the snow geese migration is underway at Freeezeout Lake WMA. Estimates are that some 50,000-100,000 of the birds are already there.
Kid + Mud Puddle = the Most Fun Ever
Kid + Mud Puddle = the Most Fun Ever
Kid + Mud Puddle = the Most Fun Ever
All kids love mud puddles. It doesn’t matter if they are a boy or a girl. Mud puddles equal endless fun for kids. They splash, jump and kick to their hearts content. There is just something about a hole filled with muddy water that screams “I’m fun! Jump in me!” to little ones.
BooBoo Doing Much Better
BooBoo Doing Much Better
BooBoo Doing Much Better
Remember that injured bear cub they found this past summer after a forest fire in Idaho? He’s been rehabilitating in the Snowdon Wildlife Sanctuary near McCall.
The Dark Knight Trapped?
The Dark Knight Trapped?
The Dark Knight Trapped?
Thursday morning on the Craig & Al Morning Show the subject of hunting came up and stirred quite a number of phone calls, all of them positive and entertaining.  The most unusual was from Curious Bob who lives up “The Snake.”

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