
Missoula’s Dolce Canto Presents ‘Light, Beauty, Peace’
Missoula’s Dolce Canto Presents ‘Light, Beauty, Peace’
Missoula’s Dolce Canto Presents ‘Light, Beauty, Peace’
Dolce Canto is an auditioned, non-profit choral ensemble founded in 2001. It's creation was based on enriching the lives of it's members and audiences by performing exceptional and diverse choral music. The great news for us living near Missoula is that there are two Dolce Canto performances coming up soon...
Showcase Your Talent at First Night in Missoula
Showcase Your Talent at First Night in Missoula
Showcase Your Talent at First Night in Missoula
Artists, musicians, performers, craftspeople, storytellers, and others are encouraged to submit proposals for performance, exhibits, workshops and demonstrations of craft, skill or knowledge that embody the creative vitality of our local cultural traditions
South Korean Choir Offering Special Concert in Missoula
South Korean Choir Offering Special Concert in Missoula
South Korean Choir Offering Special Concert in Missoula
This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity on Tuesday, June 6th starting at 7:30pm inside the UM Music Recital Hall at the University of Montana to see the Ulsan Metropolitian Chorus of South Korea. Doors will open around 6:45pm and tickets can be purchased at Fact & Fiction, Rockin' Rudy's, or on the choir's website here. Ti...

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