
Frenchtown Fundraiser For Sammi Ward
Frenchtown Fundraiser For Sammi Ward
Frenchtown Fundraiser For Sammi Ward
It was close to 6 years ago when Sammi Ward had a brain tumor biopsied from her brainstem. The tumor was non-cancerous and slow growing Pilocytic Astrocytoma. Unfortunately, during a recent MRI, the tumor has been growing slowly, it is now growing into the brainstem...
There’s an APP for That!?
There’s an APP for That!?
There’s an APP for That!?
There's a new app that may be able to help you avoid getting sick. Sickweather, an app that collects information from Facebook and Twitter, lets you know how many people around you may be sick. The app serves as a Doppler radar for sickness, providing real-time alerts when you enter a sick zone.