Once again in 2021 the Missoula Chapter of the Five Valley Chorus Sweet Adelines International is offering their ‘Dial-a-Carol’ service for those who are shut-ins and can’t receive visitors during the Christmas season.

KGVO News spoke with four of the volunteer singers who each provided a sample of the ‘Dial-a-Carol’ service.

First, was Gayle Walton.

Next, Judy Lange

Here is Candace Johnson

Finally, Germaine Conrad

And here they are together.

To access the Dial-a-Carol service, the Sweet Adelines have given KGVO permission to publish their phone numbers.


Gayle Walton             546-4219

Judy Lange                 273-2491

Candace Johnson        543-8280

Germain Conrad         728-7461

Please let someone who may be shut in know about this service for the holidays from the Missoula Sweet Adelines. and Merry Christmas!


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