Hey Gals, Want to Sing Along With the Missoula Sweet Adelines?
If your objective is to bring joy to others through song, I'd consider that a pretty terrific organization.
Maybe there are a lot of women out there who are fairly new to Missoula, seeking to meet others with whom they might have similar interests. Well, new to town or not, if one of your passions is singing, there's some awesome gals we'd like you to meet.
If singing fills you with joy, the Five Valley Chorus of Sweet Adelines invites you to join them at their weekly rehearsals. This talented bunch of women meets Tuesdays from 6:30 till 9:00 p.m., at Grace United Methodist Church, 1756 South 10th Street West in Missoula.
The Five Valley Chorus considers themselves a family, united by their love of singing four-part a cappella harmony (think barbershop quartet-style performances), while at the same time creating opportunities for growth and education for women of all ages. Extensive musical training is not required to join.
If you feel your talents lend themselves to a more robust group of performers, all Sweet Adeline members get the opportunity to sing as part of the full chorus. From there, some members form quartets to further showcase their talents.What we're saying here is, do not let a little lack of confidence in your abilities prohibit you from looking into possibly being a part of this delightful group.
The Sweet Adelines entertain at a number of venues throughout Missoula and surrounding areas every year. They also perform at many regional competitions, where they have earned many regional titles.
If you like to sing and be around positive, uplifting people, why not give it a try. You can fine out more about the Five Valley Sweet Adelines here.
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