Snowmobilers Face Loss Of Great Burn Area [AUDIO]
The Forest Service has issued a final Record of Decision to designate 198,000
acres of the Great Burn area in the Clearwater National Forest in Idaho as
wilderness prohibiting motorized access. This area is predominately used by
Montana snowmobilers. The area currently has a PRIMTIVE designation allowing
snowmobiles and bicycles. Wilderness designation stops all snowmobile and
bicycle use. MSSA is opposed to this action and has, among other avenues,
enlisted the support of Congressman Rehberg and Labrador (Id). Closing public
land to multiple use has reached a critical mass and needs to curtailed. Closing
the area to snowmobiles defies all common sense as there is no trace of activity
after the snow melts and there is no evidence of any negative environmental
impact. Snowmobiling has approx. a $130,000,000.00 DIRECT annual economic impact
in the State of Montana.
My interview with Stan Spencer is attached.