Reusable Snack Bags – An Environmentally Friendly Way to Pack Healthy Snacks
I am not the most health conscience person, but I also am not a junk foodie either. I consider myself to be somewhere in the middle. I try to do things to live healthier, and when I saw a Facebook friend’s post on reusable snack bags, I was intrigued. So, of course, I Googled them and I was surprised to see how much information is out there on how to make them.
They didn’t look too complicated to make, so I headed for the fabric store and spent all Sunday embroiled in making these cute little snack bags. I was very happy with how they turned out, and was even happier when my boys liked them too. For my boys I did some that were superhero themed, sports themed, camouflage, and of course, I couldn’t forget a few were Griz themed ones.
I spent a little over $2 a piece to make them, which is about the same as a box of store brand sandwich bags would cost. Over time the reusable bags will pay for themselves, and it does make me feel better knowing that I’m buying and using less plastic. I like knowing the foods my kids eat in their lunches will be not be wrapped in plastic this year, especially since there always seems to be such controversy surrounding plastics and people’s health. We try to feed our kids healthy food, why not wrap their food in something healthy too?
Joy Larson is a mother of four boys, graduate of The University of Montana, animal lover and writer.
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