New Addition to My Headwaters Country Jam Wardrobe
This past weekend my wife and I (mostly my wife) spent time preparing for Montana's Biggest Summer Party, Headwaters Country Jam 2017! It's happening June 15-17th in Three Forks, MT and will be 3 days of country music and fun partying. If you want to join in on the fun, tickets are still available here.
I already knew my wife was a planner so it didn't shock me that she wanted to write list after list of all the possibly necessities for Headwaters. She is bringing enough hand sanitizer for everyone at the festival. :) Although without her, I would be out of food and water by day #2, she is amazing!
As she was scouring the internet yesterday, making sure we had everything we would need she stumbled upon something that will set me apart from everyone else at the festival. Quite possibly the coolest sunglasses ever, and yes they light up.
You should have no problem finding me at Headwaters Country Jam this year, just as long as they arrive in time.
The first ever Knockerball Tournament in Missoula