National Anthem Singers: The Missoula Osprey Want You
Have you ever wanted to sing the Star Spangled Banner at a professional baseball game? Or do you know somebody who should?
Our Missoula Osprey baseball team will be conducting tryouts for those wishing to perform our national anthem at a game this summer. This is for both soloists and groups of singers. The tryouts are coming up this Saturday, June 16, from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m., at the stadium, Ogren Park Allegiance Field. What a gorgeous setting to sing at, right?
In fact the Osprey are not just looking for singers, but others with extraordinary musical talent performing on musical instruments.
If you would like to audition, you must schedule a time in advance by calling Michael Karges in the Missoula Osprey offices, 406-543-3300. Or send Michael on email, mkarges@missoulaosprey.com.
Hey, good luck. And maybe we'll hear you at a ball game this summer.
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