There have been many times around Missoula that comedy night, or open mic comedy nights have been started. Unfortunately, after a few months you see these groups shrink in size until the comedy nights stop.

There is a new Missoula Home Grown Comedy Showcase/Open Mic that is happening on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 from 7:30-9:30pm at The Roxy Theatre. I have my fingers crossed with comedy only gaining in popularity lately that this continues to grow in Missoula.

Getting into the show won't cost a fee, but does require a two drink (or refreshment) minimum.

The headliner for the event will be Ethan Sky, and it will be hosted by Dan Brooks. There are already quite a few comedians taking the stage like John Howard, Max McLean, Tim Miller, Garrett Dryden, Nick Dowdym Sarah Aswell, Patrick Yoder, Zac Jarvis, Zack Troxel, Wendy L Cohan, Aaron Juhl, Charley Macorn, Stephen T Millhouse and Kyle McAfee.

If you want to try out some new material on stage reach out to Missoula HomeGrown Comedy, or call John Howard at 406-240-2395. Sign ups begin on the first Friday of every month, the show will be capped at 17 comedians.


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