The Jolly Green Shredding Machine on The Gong Show Tonight
Yes, you read that headline correctly. Tonight on ABC's The Gong Show my wife's cousin will be on National Television. His name is Nathan Briles, he is 6'8 and this actually isn't his first time on a big time television show. A few years ago he made it on the show Wipeout, and had so much fun he has now made it on T.V. again. The name Jolly Green Shredding Machine comes from obviously being so tall, and Nate just loves to play the air guitar. In fact make sure you scroll down to see the video of him shredding from his own YouTube channel.
Unfortunately, because the show is on tonight he has had to stay quiet on how things went on the show but Savannah and I will be staying up past our bedtime tonight to watch. If you want to check out how Nate does the show begins tonight at 9pm on ABC.
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