Missoula Police Are Inviting Community Members To Their ‘Coffee With A Cop’ Event
The Missoula Police Department is having their second “coffee with a cop” event tomorrow morning. Police Public Information Officer Travis Welsh says this gathering is open to anyone who would like to talk with local law enforcement.
“We are inviting the public to come down to the Florence Building lobby between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., to sit down and have a cup of coffee with us,” said Welsh. “Folks can exchange some ideas, ask questions or give us a chance to provide information to anybody that has certain questions we can answer.”
According to Welsh, their department isn’t the only one hosting this type of event.
“If you notice around the country, these events are taking place more and more often,” Welsh said. “Law enforcement is reaching out by various means to try and establish lines of communication with the public they serve. That is what we are trying to do here, just have another medium for people to communicate with us.”
Welsh says there were lots of smiles at the first event a few months ago and he hopes there will be more of the same this time around.