Medicare For All “Isn’t Fair to Montana Seniors,” Gianforte Says
Congressman Gianforte advocated against Medicare for All at a congressional hearing on Tuesday. Gianforte’s stance on Medicare for All is that the legislation, H.R. 1384, would restrict access to certain healthcare programs and place healthcare in the hands of the federal government.
“Medicare for All would terrify Americans who rely on Medicare and who like their employer-sponsored plans,” Gianforte said in his speech before Congress. “Under Medicare for All, private insurance would be banned. This is a government takeover of Medicare…we are not a socialist country.”
Gianforte continued by illustrating the impact that Medicare for All could have on Montanans.
“Medicare for All will gut Medicare and the VA as we know it, and put Montana seniors at the back of the line. To force 225,000 Montanans who rely on Medicare to share their pool with everyone isn’t fair to Montana seniors.”
In his speech, Gianforte included that more than 100 rural hospitals have shut down since 2010. He stated that Medicare for All would lead to a 40% payment reduction for hospitals and cause the loss of critical health services. Gianforte then quoted a $52 trillion price tag for the implementation of Medicare for All. Gianforte went on to advance a series of goals for a potential healthcare reform that don’t include the passage of Medicare for All.
“Instead of a reckless government takeover of our healthcare system, we should take a bipartisan approach to fix our broken healthcare system,” Gianforte stated. “We should protect patients with pre-existing conditions; increase transparency and choice; preserve rural access to care; and lower costs.”
According to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, over 231,000 Montana seniors are currently enrolled in Medicare.