Senseless Bitterroot Valley Elk Poaching Under Investigation
It's hard to draw any other conclusion. It appears that somebody shot an animal just to watch it die.
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks tells us that game wardens are seeking information on a cow elk that was killed on Wednesday, April 17, in Ravalli County near Victor. And the charges are numerous if there is an arrest.
Any poaching incident will get Montana hunters' blood boiling. And when it's one that demonstrates blatantly ignoring the laws, that only compounds such a heinous act.
FWP says the elk was shot and left on private property off Pleasant View Drive, near the intersection of Bumpy Lane in Victor. The cow elk was shot with a high-powered rifle out of season. The meat was left to waste, a violation of state hunting regulations.
Wildlife crimes like this one are often solved because of leads from the public. Montana FWP encourages anyone with information to come forward. To provide information about this case, you can fill out the form on this page of the FWP website. You can also call the FWP violation reporting hotline at 1-800-TIP-MONT (1-800-847-6668), or you can call FWP Game Warden Kevin Smith at 406-369-5738.
Callers may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000.
One other FWP note: volunteers are needed for a trail maintenance project on Wild Horse Island on Flathead Lake on Saturday, May 11. You will spend a half-day on the island completing general maintenance of the state park trail system. Boats will launch from the Big Arm Unit of Flathead Lake State Park at 10 a.m. and return around 3 p.m.
To sign up for this trail project, call 406-837-3041. Space is limited. FWP will provide transportation to the island, tools, extra water, and snacks.
The island has limited amenities, including one vault latrine toilet where the work will start. Cell service will be limited as well, but organizers will have emergency response devices on hand. Volunteers will need: Sturdy closed-toed shoes, long pants, weather appropriate clothing, plenty of water, and snacks or a pack lunch (FWP will provide snacks).
Be prepared to hike 2-3 miles.
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Gallery Credit: Ashley
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