One of the great things that happens during KYSSmas for Kids is the challenges that folks around town from various professions issue to one another. Check the list below and find out if you've been called out... and if you haven't been called out, consider being the first to pledge from your profession and call others out!

Veterans and active duty military

Francis (Marines) challenged all veterans and active duty military personnel to donate $25 or more. Then, Dusty (Airborne) called in and said he'd donate $100, while also adding a twist to the challenge — between the Army and the Marines, whichever branch raises the most money, the other Dusty or Francis will have to donate an additional $150.

Update: They have both agreed to put in $150 no matter who donates the most.
Update: As of $10:30 a.m., the Marines lead $575 to the Army's $490.


So far, those who have answered the call are:

Bob and Gary (Marines and Army) $100
Matt (Marines) $50
April (Marines) $25
USMC $75
Wayne (Marines) $100
Eric's Mom (Army) $40
Ed (Marines) $10
Larry (Army) $100
American Legion (Split between Army and Marines) $100
Betty (Marines) $10

School administrators

Shelly at DeSmet School issued a challenge to all school administrators in the area when she donated $100. Chris from Seeley Lake doubled that amount with a $200 donation!

Certified Public Accountants

Snidley Buckmister put up $100 and challenged all other CPAs to do the same.

Equipment Dealers

Matt is sending in $50, and encourages all other equipment dealers in our community to do the same.

Garbage Collectors

Dave has put it out there that he is donating $50 and hopes that other garbage collectors will match or exceed him on that.

Power Company Linesmen

Bart is hoping that other linesmen in the area join him in donating $50 or more.

Car Clubs

Jerry from Western Montana Ford Car Club donated $250 and asked other area car clubs to match or exceed his donation. Shifters Car Club did just that, and doubled that amount with a $500 donation.


Lisa is giving $25 to the cause and has challenged other housekeepers to match that or exceed that.

4G Plumbing Employees

Ethan has pitched in $25 for the KYSSmas Kids and he wants his co-workers to do the same!

Maggot Rugby Players

Dewey threw in $50 and has asked his fellow rugby players - past and present - to match that!

Bow Hunters

Long-time bow hunter Jim has pledged $100, and challenged all other bow hunters to give $50.


Bev from Marchie's Nursery is giving $25, and is encouraging all other grandparents to pitch in the same amount for the kids.

Road Department

Casper put forth a $50 donation and we would like to see other road department workers match that amount.

If you have been called out and are ready to donate, call us!

  • 406-523-9823
  • 406-523-9843

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