Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - On June 27, 2024, a Missoula County Sheriff’s Office Deputy was dispatched to a residence in the 20700 block of Highway 93 N for a reported firearm-related offense. John and Jane Doe, who both lived on scene, reported that a male, 38-year-old Tyler Vaile, was outside the house with a machine gun and going crazy.  

The deputy arrived at the residence and saw Vaile and a dog running towards him from the house. The deputy stepped out of his patrol vehicle, pointed his rifle at Vaile, and commanded him to stop. Vaile stopped, put his hands up, and advised that he was unarmed. Vaile admitted, unsolicited, that he had broken a window in the house. He was subsequently handcuffed and detained in the back of a patrol vehicle. 

The deputy approached the house, knocked on the door, and contacted both Jane and John Doe. The deputy noted that Jane Doe was visibly scared, still crying, and frantic. After confirming that nobody on scene was injured, the deputy confirmed with Jane Doe that the suspect was Vaile currently detained in his vehicle that broke her window, and she said it was. 

Jane Doe Kathy stated she heard a loud bang and was unsure if it was a gunshot or just her window shattering. She got up, looked out the window, and could see Vaile standing outside, with a “Big Black Machine Gun” pointed at her. Vaile was yelling at her, something to the effect of “Get outside!”. Jane Doe said she was so terrified thinking he was going to shoot her that she ran out of the room as fast as she could. 

Jane Doe said she did not remember anything else that was said or what Vaile did next, but she ran out of her bedroom and then into her husband’s camper. She then called 911 and only came out of the trailer and back into the main house after she heard deputies arrive at the house. 

A MCSO Sergeant arrived on the scene to assist and interviewed Vaile who was in the back of a patrol vehicle. The sergeant advised Vaile of his rights under Miranda and Vaile provided a statement.

According to court documents, Vaile provided a statement that did not appear to have any basis in reality. Vaile appeared elevated, was speaking very rapidly, was profusely sweating, and had difficulty speaking articulate sentences. However, Vaile did admit that he heard sirens and had placed the firearm back in the camper before making contact with the deputy. 

READ MORE: Missoula News - Crime Reports

The sergeant applied for and was granted a search warrant for the camper. Officers entered and discovered a black assault rifle loaded with a 25-round magazine with an additional round chambered in the weapon. Officers also found five fully loaded magazines that appeared to fit the weapon. 

Vaile is currently being charged with felony assault with a weapon and criminal mischief. His bond was set at $100,000. 

The information in this article was obtained from sources that are publicly viewable. 

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Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

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