It's your chance to win a large sum of money, flip off your boss and yell "I'm out of here, suckers. I am retiring and never coming back to this dump. So long, losers! Have fun with your miserable lives."

Or whatever you want to do.

The Montana Millionaire grand prize drawing is on the horizon, my friends. After you celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas by breaking the bank on gifts for all your loved ones you'll be able to make it up and then some with the Montana Millionaire grand prizes.

December 26th

READ MORE: Montana's Top Anti-Christmas Movies

Typically, the drawing is held at 10 am, but there hasn't been confirmation on an exact time as of yet. My advice: Keep your ticket close by and check Montana Millionaire's website frequently beginning at 10 am.

Happy holidays! I hope you're a lot richer in a few days.

Christmas Scams Targeting Montana Residents

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has released its naughty list of the top scams to watch out for this holiday season. Some of these scams you may have heard of, while others might be new to you.

Gallery Credit: Big Joe Pesh

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