Dollar Bill Worth Over 100 Grand Could Be Floating Around Montana
Who doesn't love the idea of being rich instantly? I mean, let's be honest here, a whole lot of us wait into the Power Ball gets to a certain number, then we all run out and buy a ticket or two, just hoping to be that lucky person that gets to decide what to do with all of that money.
Do you buy a new house? Or maybe build one. Do you travel the world and visit lots of exotic places? Do you invest the money and become even more wealthy? I mean there are some tough decisions to be made, right?
Of course, the odds of winning such a massive amount of money really aren't in your favor, but what if I told you that you might be walking around with a large payday in your wallet or handbag right now?

According to AS, there's the possibility that a Montanan could be in possession of a one-dollar bill that's worth 150 grand. Yep, you read that right, 150 thousand dollars. So how can a buck be with that much money? Great question, and here's the answer. According to the article, it seems that from time to time, the U.S. Mint makes a boo-boo.
Due to minting errors, some coins or bills can be worth a fortune. There are certain pairs of one-dollar bills that could be worth up to $150,000 each. Having two identical $1 bills could give you up to $150,000.
Apparently, there was a bit of a mix-up back in 2016, which resulted in a duplicate batch of one-dollar bills that were printed in 2014. This resulted in over 6 million dollars in duplicate numbers, so the chances of a few of these being here in Montana are pretty decent.
So what should you look for to see if you have the "magic dollar"? Here's what you need to know to check your money.
- The Series date located to the far right of the George Washington photograph reads: 'Series 2013'.
- The note has a Federal Reserve stamp with the letter "B" above the serial number which is also to the right of the Washington photo.
- The serial number ends with a star (*) and is between B00000001*-B00250000* or B03200001*-B09600000*.
Granted, 150 grand isn't like winning the Mega Millions or the Power Ball, but it's a pretty decent day at the office if you ask me. Happy searching, and if you do end up winning, remember where you heard it from.
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