24th Annual Five Valleys Land Trust Banquet
Saturday May 19th you are invited to a fun banquet for a good cause at the Five Valleys Land Trust Banquet and Auction.
The UC Ballroom on the University of Montana Campus is where the event is being held. The banquet has a great menu that will also feature a live and silent auction along with musical entertainment by Tom Catmull. The fun starts at 5:30 PM.
If you are wondering what is this group all about? Well read part of their mission statement:
Our mission is to protect for future generations western Montana’s natural legacy – our river corridors, wildlife habitat, agricultural lands, and community open spaces.
That is a mission a lot of folks can get behind. There still may be some tickets available for this event. Find out more by calling 406.549.0755 M-F 9AM - 5PM.
Tickets are$50 per person or $500 for a table of ten