Winning $1,000,000,000, Most Missoulians Would Be Practical
Another lottery, another billion dollars up for grabs. Someone's got to win it, right? It is hard not to think about what I would do if I won. I was born in Montana and have spent most of my life here, and I have never owned a four-wheel drive truck. The first thing I would buy would be that truck. We were curious to know what people would buy locally if they won, so we posed the question recently "If you won the Mega Millions, what would you buy in Missoula, or Western Montana?"
Most People Want A Home
Like a lot of people in Montana, being able to afford a home is a dream that a billion dollars would be able to fulfill.
Some People Want To Throw A Party
People want to party and invite a few thousand of their friends to be along for the ride. I always think that throwing some kind of huge concert in Western Montana would be a fun way to celebrate winning millions of dollars. It looks like I am not alone.
Some People Just Want Something To Help Others
Montanans can be very generous. Some people just need some help and winning could make that happen.
Even Though The Odds Are Long It Is Fun To Dream
The odds of winning any of the major lotteries is astronomical, but I don't mind thinking about what I would do if I won. I don't have any illusions that I am going to win any time soon and I don't obsess over winning, but seeing what the people of Western Montana would do if they won, I am rooting for someone here to take home the big prize.