Want a Summer Job With Missoula Osprey Baseball?
We're just over a month away from the home opener, and our Missoula Osprey professional baseball team is looking for you!
The Osprey will be holding their annual job fair this Saturday, May 18, from 10:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m., at the MSO Hub, 140 North Higgins, downtown Missoula (remember, no need to feed the parking meters on weekends). It's a great opportunity for people looking for a fun part time job this summer.
The job fair is open to the entire community age 16 and older. Everyone who attends and fills out an application is guaranteed an interview for a seasonal position.
Help create an Osprey experience for the fans. The team is unveiling upgrades to the stadium food and beverage, party and entertainment facilities this season. They are looking for quality individuals to work at the stadium on both game days and non-baseball stadium events, such as concerts. Positions include ushers, food and beverage workers, tickets sellers, parking lot attendants, promotional team members and more.
If you can't attend the job fair but are still interested, stop by the MSO Hub office, fill out an application and schedule an interview for a later date. Those interviews will be set on a need basis after the job fair.
Good luck! We hope you have a fun summer workin' for the Osprey.
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