Videos of Dancing With the Missoula Stars
Wow less then a week and we are performing for Dancing with the Missoula Stars at the Top Hat. Here are some fun videos of all the great couples. From Hula to Hip-hop we have it all.
Feb 21st at the Top Hat is when the show is but keep an eye for ways to see some video and maybe watch it.
Team Chatrick – Charene Herrera, DJ on KYSS 94.9 and Patrick Marsolek performing Tango;
Team SuHula – Susan Hay Patrick, CEO of United Way of Missoula County and Mina May performing Hula;
Team BootyBake – Christine Littig, co-owner of Bernice’s Bakery and Katie Lewis performing Hip Hop;
Team HipQueen – Corey Regini, lead brewer at KettleHouse Brewing and Chris Coburn performing Hip Hop;
Team SassyMJ – Melanie Charlson, president of the Missoula Education Association and Jen Meyer Vaughn performing Latin Jazz;
Team ReColl – Reid Reimers, an arts educator and actor and Colleen Rosbarsky performing Fosse inspired Jazz;
Team FezMeg – Felipe (Fez) von Sydow, co-owner of Arcane LLC and Meagen Hensley performing Old Hollywood inspired Jazz;
Team SuzySwing – Suzanne Phillips, chef/manager at The Trough at The Olde Dairy and Heidi Jones Eggert performing Lindy Hop
Team HaChaCha – Paul Ryan Attorney and Jennifer Corbin performing Salsa;
Team FrenchMed – Jeff Medley actor and musician and Joy French performing Contemporary;
And we are really excited for a special performance by Lori Mitchel and possibly a mystery guest !
Text your favorite team name to 41444 !
All proceeds to the Downtown Dance Collective, bringing dance to all ages and ability.