Update on Orphaned Montana Grizzly Cubs at Canadian Zoo
Missoula's Susan Campbell Reneau is a good friend of wildlife and wacky radio announcers alike.
Susan had a lot to do with finding a home for the three Montana grizzly bear cubs who lost their mama a number of months ago. Through her connections, Susan helped arrange a home for all three of them at Zoo Sauvage de Saint-Felicien in Quebec, Canada.
It was likely these little guys would have been euthanized if a home was not found in a timely manner. Susan tells us, "my three little bears are enjoying their new habitat in Quebec and speaking French." Zoo Sauvage had just finished a new bear exhibit, but didn't have any bears yet. So while they don't know it, they are pioneers.
We are delighted to report that they are happy and healthy and It looks like they are enjoying the good life. You can see the "cubs" (my, how fast they grow) in action for yourself here. And they are taking suggestions for names through the month of September, How cool would it be if a Montanan's suggestions were the winners for names of Montana bears!
Congratulations, Susan. And thank you for the update.