Train and Toy Show Coming to Hamilton October 19
Bring the kids - they get in free - and feel like a kid all at once at the Hamilton Train and Toy Show.
This annual event is a fundraiser for the Hamilton Senior Center, which is where the show will be held from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Saturday, October 19. The Hamilton Senior Center is at the corner of Adirondac and North Fourth. There's plenty of free parking and it's a chance to check out fascinating and fun merchandise.
Model trains, railroad antiques, collectibles, memorabilia, books and much more. Admission is only $3 for adults and children accompanied by parents are admitted free.
Also, if you are a vendor who would like to display merchandise, there still may be time for you to reserve a table. It's $25 by reservation only. If you are interested, contact Mike Gouse at 406-363-0254.
Good fun for a good cause. We hope it's a big success.