The Great Montana “ShakeOut” is Happening Thursday 10/20 10:20a
The Great Montana “ShakeOut” Is Happening Thursday, October 20th, and you are encouraged to take one minute at 10:20 a.m to practice an earthquake drill. Your eyes just glazed over? The world's most destructive tremors last mere seconds, and guess what? You live in Montana! We have a lot of them, some very recent and some historic ones that moved mountains.
You can "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" any day, but THIS is the day to get real about earthquake safety. You could be anywhere when the earth jiggles: at home, at work, at school, or even on vacation. Do you think you could recover quickly and be prepared to survive?
Set Your Drill Up BeforeHand
The Montana ShakeOut encourages you to personalize this by holding a drill at 10:20 am on 10/20 wherever you happen to be, at work, home, or school so you can find what you need to do in order to make that a safer place during an earthquake.
The Great Montana ShakeOut webpage has great tips and a signup link if you want to have a school or workplace take part in more robust training. Check it out even if you don’t hold a drill right now. Having safety information is never a bad thing.
Of course, this is just a practice DRILL- no one is saying there is going to be an earthquake at 10:20 am on October 20th, but unless you state that factoid, someone will get weird about it.
The ShakeOut also encourages you, your community, your school, or your organization to update emergency plans and supplies and to secure your space in order to prevent damage and injuries. We do live in earthquake-prone Montana and need to be aware of the possibilities. I have in my travels been in some severe tremors, and I’ll always toss a glowstick in my luggage!