DPHHS Suggest Steps to Stay Healthy When Interacting With Live PoultryDPHHS Suggest Steps to Stay Healthy When Interacting With Live PoultryAs spring approaches, folks are more likely to purchase and begin raising young birds.Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
Do You Sleep in the Same Bed as Your Spouse When They Are Sick?Do You Sleep in the Same Bed as Your Spouse When They Are Sick?Do you sleep in your normal bed with them and run the risk of catching some of the germs that are flying around?Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
Number One Tip to Stay Healthy During the Flu SeasonNumber One Tip to Stay Healthy During the Flu SeasonCurrently in our office almost a third of all people are dealing with a sore throat or the sniffles.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
This is the Absolute Worst in the Summertime!This is the Absolute Worst in the Summertime!I know there is never a good time to...Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
Gypsy’s Three Month Heartworm CheckupGypsy’s Three Month Heartworm CheckupLast week I had to take Gypsy in for her three month check up. Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
What Medicine Works Best for You?What Medicine Works Best for You?It seemed like nothing would work to help us quit blowing our nose, or would remove the chest congestion.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
What’s the Quickest Way to Beat a Cold?What’s the Quickest Way to Beat a Cold?How do you cure a sinus issue, quickly?Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
More People Calling Out Sick Than Ever BeforeMore People Calling Out Sick Than Ever BeforeMore people are calling in sick than last year, the problem is the employees aren't really sick.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins