
UM Athletes Score High GPAs
UM Athletes Score High GPAs
UM Athletes Score High GPAs
Don't buy into the "dumb jock" stereotype. At The University of Montana, the academic performance of student athletes is probably much more impressive than you would guess.
And It’s Off To Texas For The Griz!!!
And It’s Off To Texas For The Griz!!!
And It’s Off To Texas For The Griz!!!
Al is on vacation for the next week but he sent me this picture of the trailer he and his ne'r do well buddies use for their tailgate party.  Each of the red solo cups are signed by one of the regulars.  I don't know if it made it on to ESPN but it probably should have.  Who knows, maybe it'll make it to Texas because that's where the Griz are headed next.
The New Kid in Town
The New Kid in Town
The New Kid in Town
Nate Montana was spotted on the UM campus yesterday attending his first classes of the semester. Nate Montana left Notre Dame to play at the University of Montana. Grizzlies athletic director Jim O'Day confirmed Monday night in an e-mail that Montana had been admitted to the school in Missoula.