A shout out to the local law firms competing against each other to help Missoula Can the Cats: Judnich Law, Maldonado Law, Holloway & Hulling, Ryan & Miller, and The Advocates.
The "Cat Griz Blood Battle" is being put on by the Montana Red Cross this November. The Red Cross is challenging all Griz and Bobcat fans to sign up and donate blood.
Missoula has lost 14 of the last 15 years when it comes to beating the Gallatin County Food Bank in the annual Can the Cats competition. Will we beat the Cats this year?
Montanans are generous and sometimes want to help, but either don't know how, or don't have time. Here's how you can help in less than 30 seconds or the next time you're at the grocery store.
Need we remind you, it's time once again for the annual Missoula Food Drive known as Can the Bobcats. Clear out the pantry and chip in to help out the less fortunate in our community! Once you've boxed up the non-perishable food items you don't need, there are plenty of places in Missoula to drop off the donations. Here's a handy video detailing the 2013 drop-off spots around town.