5 Montana Towns That Don’t Disappoint On The 4th Of July Celebrations
5 Montana Towns That Don’t Disappoint On The 4th Of July Celebrations
5 Montana Towns That Don’t Disappoint On The 4th Of July Celebrations
If it seems like it's harder to find genuine 4th of July fireworks displays, rodeos, parades, and celebrations - it's because it is. Several Montana towns, however, keep their Independence Day events on point and will not disappoint. Here are some of the most action-packed options.
Nearly 40% Of 2023 Smith River Float Permits Awarded To Nonresidents
Nearly 40% Of 2023 Smith River Float Permits Awarded To Nonresidents
Nearly 40% Of 2023 Smith River Float Permits Awarded To Nonresidents
It's 59 miles of the most cherished stretch of river in America, with one put-in and one take-out. About 1 in 10 people who applied for a private float permit for the Smith River got one for 2023. Nearly 40% of the float permits for The Smith were awarded to nonresidents of Montana. Do we have a problem?