Everyone loves watching game shows featuring a series of insane obstacles and physical challenges for its contestants to get through, and everyone loves seeing someone from their hometown make an appearance on national television. Which is why it's so cool that this week on NBC's The Titan Games, a familiar face to Stevensville residents showed up to compete.

That would be Margaux Alvarez, who grew up in Stevensville and spent many of her younger years training in the outdoors with her sisters. She lives in Las Vegas now, but she's been doing these kinds of physical competitions for a long time - and has actually been on another one of these shows before, getting her TV start with American Ninja Warrior. 

Oh, and the best part of her appearance on The Titan Games: she won! She's now the Titan of the West, a title that I'm sure sounds especially good when uttered by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, host of the show. I'm sure the family and friends in Stevensville who were watching were pretty excited.

Did you catch Margaux's appearance on the show? Do you typically tune in to The Titan Games, or would you watch just to see someone you know competing?

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