Show Us Those Halloween Costumes!
I think we all agree that it feels like it's taken about 3 years to get through 2020. But we're hitting that part of the year where the time just starts to fly. Get ready for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's to go by in the blink of an eye.
Almost everything this year has been affected by COVID-19 in one way or another, Halloween included. Some events around town had to be altered for social distancing, others were outright canceled, and trunk-or-treating has become more popular this year as a way to work around certain restrictions. The good news is that we ended up with quite a few options when it came to Halloween entertainment in Missoula this year.
It sounds like a lot of people are content to just hang at home this year. I'm interested to see how the number of people coming to our door compares with previous years. Our family will be out and about for part of the night as our neighborhood is having a low key party event at the open field/park in our development. After that, we'll hit a few houses so the kiddos can show off their costumes and score a little loot. Thank goodness they're still young enough that they're content with just a small amount of candy and we don't have to be running around all night.
My six-year-old is going as a witch, my two-year-old as a cat, my wife is a pumpkin, and I'll be sporting my (not the best picture) beautiful tribute to the Grinch! My gut finally comes in handy for something!
And since I'm sharing pictures now, I'll remind you that you can message us and send in photos anytime using our mobile app. Here's one a listener sent in today to show off the costume their adorable furry friend is sporting for Halloween.
After getting that pic sent to us - we need more! So let's see 'em! Send your costume pictures our way. Have a great holiday, remember to practice social distancing, and give all that candy a safety check before letting your kids dive in.
LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years