The Ravalli County 4H/FFA livestock auction will be online this year September 1-4. With the cancellation of the Ravalli County Fair, the Ravalli County MSU Extension Office partnered with Jerry Collins Auctions to bring the auction online. Kalispell just concluded a similar successful auction. Ben Meyer of the 4-H Council said Ravalli County will have 150 quality market steers, lambs, hogs and goats - all ready for final processing. You will be able to purchase the animal outright, or purchase for a support price to benefit the youth. Or you can purchase donated cut, wrapped and frozen to a charity of your choice. Transporting the animals will be handled by each youth.

This is the only way the 4-H and FFA members can recoup costs of raising and caring for the animals through the year. It is also an opportunity to purchase high quality livestock in an online auction. For more information check the Ravalli County Extension website or visit the office at the Ravalli County Administration Building on the 200 block of South 4th in Hamilton. You can also check September 1-5 to see all the entries and bid.



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